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HEADLINE BREAKING: Scientists Discover New Species of Giant Squid with 10 Tentacles!

IMAGE A dramatic illustration of a massive squid with 10 long, slender tentacles stretching out from its body. The squid's eyes glow with an eerie blue light, and its body is covered in bioluminescent markings. In the background, a cityscape is visible, with buildings and skyscrapers looming large.

SUBHEADLINE Researchers Stunned by Discovery in Deep-Sea Trench, Claim Squid is "Most Amazing Thing They've Ever Seen"

BODY TEXT In a shocking breakthrough, a team of scientists has discovered a new species of giant squid with 10 tentacles, defying all previous records of the largest cephalopod species. The incredible find was made in a deep-sea trench off the coast of Japan, where researchers were conducting a routine expedition to study the ocean's depths.

"We were blown away by what we saw," said Dr. Maria Rodriguez, lead researcher on the project. "This squid is unlike anything we've ever seen before. Its size, its coloration, its bioluminescent markings... it's just incredible."

The new species, dubbed "Tentaculatus gigas," is estimated to be over 30 feet long, with tentacles stretching up to 20 feet in length. According to the researchers, the squid's massive size is likely due to its ability to thrive in the deep-sea environment, where food is scarce but abundant.

"This discovery has major implications for our understanding of the ocean's ecosystem," said Dr. John Smith, a marine biologist at the University of California. "We're excited to learn more about this incredible creature and its role in the deep-sea food chain."

CAPTION A team of scientists from the Japanese Research Institute of Oceanography (JROI) has made a groundbreaking discovery in the deep-sea trench off the coast of Japan, uncovering a new species of giant squid with 10 tentacles.