Fairy tail new generation

Fairy Tail: New Generation!

Fairy Tail: New Generation is a spin-off manga series of the popular manga and anime series Fairy Tail, created by Hiro Mashima. The series was written by Rui Tsukimura and illustrated by Atsuo Ueda.

The story takes place several years after the events of the original Fairy Tail series and follows a new generation of wizards as they attend the Fairy Tail Guild's new school, Fairy Tail School of Magic. The main characters are:

  1. Laxus Dreyar Jr. - The son of the original Laxus Dreyar, who is now a teacher at the school.
  2. Mirajane Strauss Jr. - The daughter of the original Mirajane Strauss, who is a student at the school.
  3. Elfman Strauss Jr. - The son of the original Elfman Strauss, who is also a student at the school.
  4. Lisanna Strauss Jr. - The daughter of the original Lisanna Strauss, who is a student at the school.
  5. Levy McGarden Jr. - The daughter of the original Levy McGarden, who is a student at the school.

The series follows the adventures of these young wizards as they learn magic, make new friends, and face new challenges. Along the way, they discover hidden secrets about their families' pasts and the true nature of the Fairy Tail Guild.

Fairy Tail: New Generation has received positive reviews from fans and critics alike, with many praising its engaging storyline, lovable characters, and nostalgic nods to the original series. If you're a fan of Fairy Tail, you'll definitely want to check out this new generation of wizards!