Facts about the 7 new planets

You're referring to the exoplanets discovered in 2016 by the Kepler space telescope! Here are some fascinating facts about the 7 new planets:


  1. Habitable zone: Kepler-186f orbits its star at a distance that could potentially support liquid water, making it a prime candidate for hosting life.
  2. Size: It's about 1.1 times the size of Earth, making it a terrestrial planet.
  3. Star: Kepler-186 is a small, cool star, about 10% smaller and 30% cooler than the Sun.


  1. Hot Jupiter: Kepler-29d is a gas giant, about 2.2 times the size of Jupiter, and orbits its star in just 15.6 days.
  2. Star: Kepler-29 is a G-type main-sequence star, similar to the Sun.
  3. Composition: It's likely a gas giant with a thick atmosphere, possibly with a core of heavy elements.


  1. Habitable zone: Like Kepler-186f, Kepler-62f orbits its star at a distance that could support liquid water, making it a potential candidate for life.
  2. Size: It's about 1.4 times the size of Earth, making it a terrestrial planet.
  3. Star: Kepler-62 is a G-type main-sequence star, similar to the Sun.


  1. Earth-like: Kepler-452b is a rocky planet, about 60% larger in diameter than Earth, and orbits its star in 385 days.
  2. Star: Kepler-452 is a G-type main-sequence star, similar to the Sun, but about 6 billion years older.
  3. Habitable zone: It orbits its star at a distance that could support liquid water, making it a prime candidate for hosting life.


  1. Hot Jupiter: Kepler-440b is a gas giant, about 1.3 times the size of Jupiter, and orbits its star in just 4.7 days.
  2. Star: Kepler-440 is a K-type main-sequence star, smaller and cooler than the Sun.
  3. Composition: It's likely a gas giant with a thick atmosphere, possibly with a core of heavy elements.


  1. Hot Jupiter: Kepler-444b is a gas giant, about 1.2 times the size of Jupiter, and orbits its star in just 3.6 days.
  2. Star: Kepler-444 is a K-type main-sequence star, smaller and cooler than the Sun.
  3. Composition: It's likely a gas giant with a thick atmosphere, possibly with a core of heavy elements.


  1. Hot Jupiter: Kepler-452c is a gas giant, about 1.6 times the size of Jupiter, and orbits its star in just 10.5 days.
  2. Star: Kepler-452 is a G-type main-sequence star, similar to the Sun, but about 6 billion years older.
  3. Composition: It's likely a gas giant with a thick atmosphere, possibly with a core of heavy elements.

These exoplanets offer a fascinating glimpse into the diversity of planetary systems beyond our own solar system.