Factors of new journals publication

Here are some factors that can influence the publication of a new journal:

  1. Editorial Board: The composition and expertise of the editorial board can significantly impact the journal's quality and reputation. A strong board with diverse backgrounds and expertise can help attract high-quality submissions and ensure rigorous peer review.
  2. Peer Review Process: The peer review process is a crucial step in ensuring the quality of published research. A well-designed and transparent peer review process can help identify and reject low-quality submissions, while a flawed process can lead to the publication of subpar research.
  3. Journal's Scope and Focus: The journal's scope and focus can influence the types of submissions it receives and the quality of the research published. A journal with a narrow scope may attract more focused and high-quality submissions, while a journal with a broad scope may receive more submissions, but with varying levels of quality.
  4. Authorship and Submission Patterns: The patterns of authorship and submission can impact the journal's publication rate and quality. For example, a journal that receives a high volume of submissions from a single institution or region may have a higher publication rate, but may also be more susceptible to bias.
  5. Funding and Support: The availability of funding and support can impact the journal's ability to attract and publish high-quality research. Journals that receive funding from reputable organizations or institutions may have more resources to devote to peer review and editing.
  6. Open Access and Business Model: The journal's business model and open access policy can influence its publication rate and quality. Journals that adopt open access models may attract more submissions, but may also face challenges in ensuring the quality of published research.
  7. Indexing and Impact Factor: The journal's indexing and impact factor can impact its visibility and credibility. Journals that are indexed in major databases and have a high impact factor may attract more submissions and have a greater influence on the research community.
  8. Editorial Team: The experience and expertise of the editorial team can significantly impact the journal's quality and reputation. A team with a strong background in the field and a commitment to rigorous peer review can help ensure the publication of high-quality research.
  9. Reviewer Pool: The availability and quality of reviewers can impact the journal's ability to conduct rigorous peer review. Journals that have a large and diverse pool of reviewers may be better equipped to handle the peer review process.
  10. Publishing Platform and Technology: The journal's publishing platform and technology can impact its ability to efficiently and effectively manage submissions, peer review, and publication. Journals that use modern and user-friendly platforms may have a smoother publication process and be more attractive to authors.
  11. Communication and Feedback: The journal's communication and feedback processes can impact the author's experience and satisfaction. Journals that provide clear and timely communication and feedback may be more attractive to authors and have a higher publication rate.
  12. Ethics and Integrity: The journal's commitment to ethics and integrity can impact its reputation and credibility. Journals that have a strong commitment to ethics and integrity may attract more submissions and have a greater influence on the research community.

These are just some of the factors that can influence the publication of a new journal. The specific factors that impact a journal's publication rate and quality will depend on the journal's goals, scope, and target audience.