Facebook track a new account

Facebook tracks a new account by collecting various types of data about the user's behavior, preferences, and interactions on the platform. Here are some of the ways Facebook tracks a new account:

  1. Login and Registration Data: When you create a new Facebook account, you provide personal information such as your name, email address, password, and birthday. Facebook stores this data and uses it to create your account.
  2. Device and Browser Information: Facebook collects information about the device and browser you use to access the platform, including the type of device, operating system, browser type, and browser version.
  3. Location Data: Facebook may collect your location data, including your IP address, which can be used to determine your approximate location.
  4. Search and Browsing History: Facebook tracks your search queries and browsing history on the platform, including the pages you visit, the links you click, and the content you engage with.
  5. Likes, Comments, and Shares: When you interact with content on Facebook, such as liking, commenting, or sharing a post, Facebook collects this data and uses it to personalize your experience.
  6. Friendship and Relationship Data: Facebook collects data about your friendships and relationships, including the people you're friends with, the groups you're part of, and the pages you like.
  7. Purchase and Payment Data: If you make purchases or transactions on Facebook, such as buying a product or service from a third-party vendor, Facebook collects this data and uses it to personalize your experience.
  8. App and Game Data: If you use Facebook-connected apps or games, Facebook collects data about your interactions with these apps and games, including your progress, scores, and achievements.
  9. Cookie Data: Facebook uses cookies to track your behavior on the platform, including your browsing history, search queries, and interactions with content.
  10. Third-Party Data: Facebook may collect data from third-party sources, such as other websites, apps, or services, to improve its advertising and personalization capabilities.

Facebook uses this data to:

It's worth noting that Facebook provides users with various options to control their data and privacy settings, including the ability to:

If you're concerned about Facebook tracking your data, you can take steps to protect your privacy, such as: