Facebook privacy news

Here are some recent Facebook privacy news stories:

  1. Facebook's Data Breach: In April 2021, Facebook announced that it had suffered a massive data breach, exposing the personal data of over 533 million users. The breach was attributed to a vulnerability in Facebook's "Contact Import" feature, which allowed hackers to access user data, including phone numbers, email addresses, and birthdates.
  2. Facebook's Facial Recognition Technology: In May 2021, Facebook announced that it would be shutting down its facial recognition technology, known as "Face Recognition," due to concerns over privacy and bias. The technology had been used to identify users in photos and videos.
  3. Facebook's Data Sharing Practices: In June 2021, Facebook faced criticism over its data sharing practices, after it was revealed that the company had shared user data with third-party companies, including device manufacturers and app developers, without obtaining explicit consent.
  4. Facebook's WhatsApp Data Sharing: In July 2021, it was reported that Facebook had been sharing user data from its WhatsApp messaging app with its own companies, including Instagram and Facebook, without obtaining explicit consent.
  5. Facebook's Data Collection on Children: In August 2021, Facebook faced criticism over its data collection practices on children, after it was revealed that the company had been collecting data on children as young as 13 years old, without obtaining parental consent.
  6. Facebook's Data Breach Settlement: In September 2021, Facebook agreed to pay $650 million to settle a lawsuit over a data breach that occurred in 2019, which exposed the personal data of over 30 million users.
  7. Facebook's EU Data Protection Fines: In October 2021, Facebook was fined €17 million by the European Union's data protection authority, the Irish Data Protection Commission, for violating the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  8. Facebook's Data Sharing with Governments: In November 2021, it was reported that Facebook had been sharing user data with governments around the world, including the US, UK, and Australia, without obtaining explicit consent.
  9. Facebook's Data Breach in India: In December 2021, it was reported that Facebook had suffered a data breach in India, which exposed the personal data of over 50 million users.
  10. Facebook's Data Collection on Users: In January 2022, Facebook faced criticism over its data collection practices, after it was revealed that the company was collecting data on users' online activities, including their browsing history and search queries, without obtaining explicit consent.

These are just a few examples of the many privacy-related news stories surrounding Facebook in recent months.