Facebook page new account

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook page:

Step 1: Log in to Facebook

Go to Facebook.com and log in to your personal account. If you don't have a personal account, you can create one first.

Step 2: Click on "Create New Page"

Click on the "Create New Page" button at the top right corner of your Facebook homepage.

Step 3: Choose a Page Type

Choose the type of page you want to create:

Step 4: Enter Page Information

Enter the following information:

Step 5: Add Page Details

Add the following details:

Step 6: Add Page Admins

Add the people who will manage your page:

Step 7: Verify Your Page

Verify your page by following these steps:

Step 8: Customize Your Page

Customize your page by adding:

Step 9: Promote Your Page

Promote your page by:

That's it! Your new Facebook page is now created and ready to use.