Facebook news aggregator

Here are some popular Facebook news aggregators that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates:

  1. Facebook News: Facebook's official news aggregator, which curates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in.
  2. News Feed: A popular Facebook aggregator that aggregates news articles from various sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications.
  3. All My News: A Facebook aggregator that aggregates news articles from over 5,000 sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications.
  4. News360: A Facebook aggregator that uses AI to curate news articles from various sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications.
  5. Flipboard: A popular news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in, and also features a "For You" section that suggests articles based on your interests.
  6. Apple News: A news aggregator app that aggregates news articles from various sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications, and is available on iOS devices.
  7. Google News: A news aggregator app that aggregates news articles from various sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications, and is available on Android and iOS devices.
  8. Newsify: A Facebook aggregator that aggregates news articles from various sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications, and allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in.
  9. Newsify Pro: A premium version of Newsify that offers additional features, such as customizable categories, advanced search, and offline reading.
  10. NewsHub: A Facebook aggregator that aggregates news articles from various sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications, and allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in.

These are just a few examples of Facebook news aggregators available. You can search for more aggregators on the Facebook App Store or Google Play Store to find one that suits your needs.