Facebook new programming language

You're referring to the recent announcement by Facebook about a new programming language!

In May 2021, Facebook announced a new programming language called "Frost" (not to be confused with the popular JavaScript library). Frost is a statically typed, compiled language designed for building high-performance, scalable, and secure systems.

Here are some key features and goals of the Frost language:

  1. Statically typed: Frost is statically typed, which means that the type system checks the types of variables at compile-time, reducing the risk of type-related errors at runtime.
  2. Compiled language: Frost is a compiled language, which means that the code is translated into machine code before execution, making it faster and more efficient than interpreted languages.
  3. High-performance: Frost is designed to be highly performant, with features like just-in-time (JIT) compilation, inline caching, and garbage collection.
  4. Scalability: Frost is designed to scale well, with features like parallelism, concurrency, and support for distributed systems.
  5. Security: Frost has built-in security features, such as memory safety, data encryption, and secure communication protocols.
  6. Easy to learn: Frost is designed to be easy to learn, with a syntax similar to other popular programming languages like C# and Java.

Facebook's goals for Frost include:

  1. Building a more secure and reliable internet: Frost is designed to help build more secure and reliable systems, which is critical for the internet and online services.
  2. Improving performance and scalability: Frost is designed to improve the performance and scalability of systems, making it easier to build and maintain large-scale applications.
  3. Simplifying development: Frost is designed to simplify development, making it easier for developers to build and maintain complex systems.

While Frost is still a relatively new language, it has already gained attention from the developer community, and Facebook is actively working on its development and adoption.

What do you think about Frost? Are you excited to try it out?