Facebook new privacy policy

Facebook has updated its privacy policy several times over the years, and it's essential to stay informed about the changes. Here's a summary of the key points in Facebook's current privacy policy:

What's changed:

  1. Data collection: Facebook collects more data than ever before, including information about your online and offline activities, such as your location, device information, and interactions with other users.
  2. Targeted advertising: Facebook uses your data to show you targeted ads, which can be based on your interests, behaviors, and demographics.
  3. Data sharing: Facebook shares your data with third-party companies, such as advertisers, data brokers, and other Facebook-owned companies.
  4. Cookies and tracking: Facebook uses cookies and other tracking technologies to collect data about your online activities, even when you're not logged in to your account.
  5. Face recognition: Facebook uses face recognition technology to identify you in photos and videos, even if you're not tagged in them.

What's new:

  1. Transparency: Facebook has introduced a new "Why am I seeing this ad?" feature, which provides more information about the ads you see and why you're seeing them.
  2. Data portability: Facebook allows you to download a copy of your data and transfer it to other services.
  3. Deletion: Facebook has made it easier to delete your account and remove your data from its systems.

What's still the same:

  1. Data retention: Facebook still retains your data for as long as necessary to provide its services, even after you've deleted your account.
  2. Data sharing: Facebook still shares your data with third-party companies, although it has introduced more controls to help you manage these sharing settings.
  3. Targeted advertising: Facebook still uses targeted advertising, although it has introduced more transparency and controls to help you manage your ad preferences.

How to manage your privacy:

  1. Review your settings: Regularly review your Facebook settings to ensure you're comfortable with the data Facebook collects and shares.
  2. Use two-factor authentication: Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account.
  3. Limit data sharing: Limit the amount of data Facebook shares with third-party companies by adjusting your settings.
  4. Use a VPN: Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your data.
  5. Delete your account: If you're concerned about Facebook's data collection and sharing practices, consider deleting your account.

Remember, Facebook's privacy policy is subject to change, so it's essential to stay informed and review the policy regularly to ensure you're comfortable with the changes.