Facebook new london office

Facebook has a significant presence in London, with a large office located in the heart of the city. Here are some key facts about Facebook's London office:

  1. Location: Facebook's London office is located at 4-5 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX.
  2. Size: The office spans over 30,000 square feet and has a capacity for over 1,000 employees.
  3. Teams: Facebook's London office is home to a variety of teams, including:
    • Engineering: Facebook's London engineering team works on a range of projects, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science.
    • Sales and Operations: The sales and operations team in London focuses on helping businesses and organizations use Facebook's products and services.
    • Marketing: The marketing team in London works on promoting Facebook's products and services, as well as creating content for the company's social media channels.
    • Product: The product team in London is responsible for developing and improving Facebook's products, including the Facebook app, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
  4. Culture: Facebook's London office is known for its relaxed and collaborative culture. The office features a range of amenities, including a gym, a rooftop garden, and a games room.
  5. Recruitment: Facebook regularly recruits for a range of roles in London, including engineering, sales, marketing, and product positions. You can find more information about available roles on Facebook's careers website.
  6. Community: Facebook's London office is also involved in the local community, with a focus on supporting education and digital skills initiatives. The company has partnered with local organizations to provide training and mentorship programs for young people.

Overall, Facebook's London office is a hub for innovation and collaboration, and is an important part of the company's global operations.