Facebook new features 2018

Here are some of the new features that Facebook introduced in 2018:

  1. Facebook Watch: A video-on-demand service that allows users to discover, watch, and engage with videos from various creators and publishers.
  2. Facebook Dating: A dating feature that allows users to create a separate dating profile, match with potential partners, and connect with them through private messages.
  3. Group Stories: A feature that allows group members to create and share stories, similar to Instagram Stories.
  4. Facebook Marketplace: An online marketplace that allows users to buy and sell items within their local community.
  5. Facebook Fundraisers: A feature that allows users to create and share fundraising campaigns for various causes and charities.
  6. Facebook Live 360: A feature that allows users to broadcast live 360-degree videos to their followers.
  7. Facebook Camera Effects: A feature that allows users to create and share augmented reality (AR) effects using their camera.
  8. Facebook Stories Ads: A feature that allows advertisers to create and run ads within Facebook Stories.
  9. Facebook Groups for Pages: A feature that allows pages to create and manage groups, allowing for more targeted and engaged communities.
  10. Facebook's AI-powered News Feed Algorithm: An update to the algorithm that uses AI to prioritize content in users' News Feeds based on their interests and engagement.
  11. Facebook's "Why Am I Seeing This Post?" Feature: A feature that allows users to understand why they're seeing certain posts in their News Feed.
  12. Facebook's "See First" Feature: A feature that allows users to prioritize certain friends and pages in their News Feed.
  13. Facebook's "Unsend" Feature: A feature that allows users to retract sent messages and photos within a certain time frame.
  14. Facebook's "Mood and Feelings" Feature: A feature that allows users to share their emotions and connect with others who may be feeling the same way.
  15. Facebook's "Community Help" Feature: A feature that allows users to connect with others who may be able to help them with a particular issue or problem.

These are just a few of the many new features that Facebook introduced in 2018. The company continues to innovate and add new features to its platform to improve user experience and engagement.