Facebook new design

You're referring to the recent redesign of Facebook's website and mobile app!

In November 2021, Facebook announced a major redesign of its platform, aimed at making it easier to use and more visually appealing. Here are some of the key changes:

New Design Elements:

  1. Simplified Navigation: The new design features a more streamlined navigation menu, with fewer options and a focus on the most important features.
  2. Wider Feed: The main feed is now wider, with a more modern and clean design.
  3. New Icons: Facebook introduced new, more minimalist icons for various features, such as messaging, events, and groups.
  4. Improved Typography: The font used throughout the platform has been updated to a more modern, sans-serif font.

Changes to the Feed:

  1. Prioritized Posts: Facebook's algorithm will now prioritize posts from friends and family over those from pages and businesses.
  2. More Visual Content: The feed will feature more visual content, such as photos and videos, to make it more engaging.
  3. Reduced Spam: Facebook claims that the new design will reduce spam and low-quality content in the feed.

Other Changes:

  1. New Profile Design: The profile design has been updated to feature a more prominent profile picture and a cleaner, more minimalistic layout.
  2. Improved Group Management: The new design includes improved features for managing groups, such as a new group dashboard and easier ways to post and comment.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility: Facebook has made significant improvements to accessibility features, including improved screen reader support and high contrast mode.


The redesign has received mixed reactions from users, with some praising the updated design and others expressing disappointment or frustration with the changes. Some common complaints include:

Overall, the new design aims to make Facebook a more enjoyable and engaging platform, while also addressing concerns around content quality and user experience.