Facebook new account photo verification

Facebook's photo verification process for new accounts is designed to help prevent the creation of fake or impersonation accounts. Here's an overview of the process:

What is photo verification?

Photo verification is a process where Facebook asks you to upload a government-issued ID (such as a driver's license or passport) and a selfie of yourself holding the ID. This helps Facebook verify that the account is being created by a real person and not a fake or automated account.

How does photo verification work?

When you create a new Facebook account, you'll be prompted to upload a government-issued ID and a selfie. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Upload your government-issued ID: You'll need to upload a clear, high-quality photo of your government-issued ID (such as a driver's license or passport). Make sure the ID is valid and not expired.
  2. Take a selfie: You'll need to take a selfie of yourself holding your government-issued ID. Make sure your face is clearly visible and the ID is held up in a way that it's easily readable.
  3. Compare the selfie with your ID: Facebook's system will compare the selfie you took with the photo on your government-issued ID. This helps ensure that the account is being created by a real person and not a fake or automated account.
  4. Verify your account: Once Facebook has verified your ID and selfie, you'll be prompted to confirm your account. You'll need to enter a verification code sent to your phone or email to complete the process.

What happens if my photo verification fails?

If your photo verification fails, it may be due to a few reasons:

If your photo verification fails, you'll need to try again with a new ID and selfie. You can also contact Facebook support for assistance if you're having trouble with the verification process.