Facebook keeps disabling my new account

Frustrating! I'm here to help you troubleshoot the issue. Here are some possible reasons why Facebook might be disabling your new account:

  1. Invalid or fake information: Make sure you're providing accurate and genuine information when creating your account. Facebook has strict policies against creating fake accounts, so be honest and transparent.
  2. Duplicate account: Check if you already have an existing Facebook account. If you do, try to recover your account instead of creating a new one.
  3. Suspicious activity: Facebook's algorithms might flag your account as suspicious if you're creating multiple accounts in a short period or using a VPN or proxy server.
  4. Terms of Service violation: Ensure you're complying with Facebook's Terms of Service. For example, you can't create an account if you're under 13 years old or if you're using the platform for illegal activities.
  5. Account already disabled: Check if your account was previously disabled due to a violation of Facebook's policies. If so, you might need to appeal the decision or wait for the suspension period to expire.

To resolve the issue, try the following:

  1. Wait and try again: Sometimes, Facebook's systems might be temporarily down or experiencing issues. Try waiting for a few hours and then creating a new account.
  2. Use a different email address: If you're using the same email address for multiple accounts, try using a different one.
  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Clearing your browser's cache and cookies might help resolve any temporary issues.
  4. Contact Facebook support: If none of the above steps work, you can contact Facebook's support team and explain the issue. They might be able to help you resolve the problem or provide more information on why your account was disabled.

Here's how to contact Facebook support:

Remember to always follow Facebook's policies and guidelines to avoid account disabling issues in the future.