Facebook group new adding script

Here is a sample script to add new members to a Facebook group:

import facebook
import time

# Set up your Facebook API credentials
app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_secret = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"
access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Set up the Facebook group ID
group_id = "YOUR_GROUP_ID"

# Set up the list of new members to add

# Create a Facebook API object
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token=access_token)

# Loop through each new member and add them to the group
for member in new_members:
    # Get the user ID for the new member
    user_id = graph.get_object(member, fields="id").get("id")

    # Add the new member to the group
    graph.put_object(group_id, "members", user_id=user_id)

    # Wait a few seconds to avoid hitting the Facebook API rate limit

print("New members added to the group!")

This script uses the Facebook Graph API to add new members to a Facebook group. You'll need to replace YOUR_APP_ID, YOUR_APP_SECRET, and YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your own Facebook API credentials. You'll also need to replace YOUR_GROUP_ID with the ID of the Facebook group you want to add members to.

The script loops through a list of new members, gets their user ID using the Facebook Graph API, and then adds them to the group using the put_object method. The script also includes a time.sleep call to wait a few seconds between each addition to avoid hitting the Facebook API rate limit.

Note that this script assumes that the new members are already Facebook users and have a valid email address associated with their account. If you need to add new members who don't have a Facebook account, you'll need to use a different approach.

Also, keep in mind that Facebook has strict guidelines around adding new members to groups, and you should make sure you're complying with their policies.