Facebook fox instant news

You're looking for Facebook's Instant News feature, also known as Facebook Instant Articles!

Facebook Instant Articles is a feature that allows publishers to create and share articles directly within the Facebook app. This feature was launched in 2015 to provide a faster and more engaging way for users to consume news and content.

Here are some key benefits of Facebook Instant Articles:

  1. Faster loading times: Instant Articles load up to 10 times faster than traditional web articles, making it a great way to keep users engaged.
  2. Immersive experience: Instant Articles allow publishers to create interactive and immersive experiences, including videos, photos, and animations.
  3. Monetization options: Publishers can monetize their Instant Articles through ads, sponsored content, and other revenue streams.
  4. Increased engagement: Instant Articles can increase engagement by providing a seamless and fast reading experience, which can lead to higher click-through rates and more time spent on the platform.
  5. Improved discoverability: Instant Articles can help publishers increase their visibility and reach a wider audience, as they are displayed in the Facebook News Feed.

To get started with Facebook Instant Articles, publishers need to meet certain requirements, such as:

  1. Publishing partner: Publishers must be a registered Facebook publishing partner to access the Instant Articles feature.
  2. Content quality: Publishers must ensure that their content meets Facebook's content quality guidelines.
  3. Technical requirements: Publishers must meet certain technical requirements, such as using a compatible content management system (CMS) and implementing the necessary code.

If you're a publisher interested in learning more about Facebook Instant Articles, I recommend checking out Facebook's official documentation and guidelines.