Facebook blocks my new account after importing contacts

That's frustrating!

When Facebook blocks your new account after importing contacts, it's likely due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Suspicious activity: Facebook's algorithms may flag your account as potentially fake or compromised if you're importing a large number of contacts at once.
  2. Duplicate accounts: If you're importing contacts from another social media platform or email service, Facebook might detect duplicate accounts or profiles.
  3. Spam or abuse: Facebook may block your account if it detects suspicious behavior, such as importing contacts from a known spam or phishing source.
  4. Terms of Service violation: Facebook's Terms of Service prohibit creating multiple accounts or importing contacts from other platforms without permission.

To resolve the issue, try the following steps:

  1. Wait it out: Sometimes, Facebook's automated systems may unblock your account after a short period. Try waiting for a few hours or a day before trying to access your account again.
  2. Contact Facebook Support: Reach out to Facebook's support team and explain the situation. They may be able to help you resolve the issue or provide more information about why your account was blocked.
  3. Review your account settings: Check your account settings to ensure you haven't accidentally created multiple accounts or imported contacts from a suspicious source.
  4. Try importing contacts again: If you're still having issues, try importing contacts again, but this time, do it manually by adding friends one by one.
  5. Create a new account: If all else fails, you may need to create a new Facebook account and start from scratch.

Remember to always follow Facebook's guidelines and terms of service when creating and managing your account.