Face shields new york times

Here are some recent articles from The New York Times related to face shields:

  1. "Face Shields, a Low-Tech Solution, Gain Popularity in Virus Fight" (March 2020)

This article discusses the growing use of face shields as a low-tech, affordable, and effective way to protect against the spread of COVID-19. It highlights the efforts of companies and individuals to manufacture and distribute face shields, as well as the benefits of using them in combination with masks.

  1. "The Face Shield, a Humble Hero in the Fight Against the Virus" (April 2020)

This article profiles the development and distribution of face shields by a small company in New York City. It highlights the challenges faced by the company, including sourcing materials and navigating regulatory hurdles, as well as the impact of their efforts on healthcare workers and patients.

  1. "Face Shields, a New Tool in the Fight Against the Virus, Gain Traction" (May 2020)

This article discusses the growing use of face shields in various settings, including healthcare facilities, schools, and public transportation. It highlights the benefits of face shields, including their ability to provide additional protection against respiratory droplets and their ease of use.

  1. "The Face Shield, a Simple but Effective Tool in the Fight Against the Virus" (June 2020)

This article provides an overview of the science behind face shields, including their ability to reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses. It also highlights the importance of proper use and maintenance of face shields to ensure their effectiveness.

  1. "Face Shields, a Low-Cost Solution, Gain Popularity in Virus Fight" (July 2020)

This article discusses the growing use of face shields in low-resource settings, including developing countries and rural areas. It highlights the benefits of face shields in these settings, including their affordability and ease of use.

These articles provide a range of perspectives on the use of face shields in the fight against COVID-19, from their development and distribution to their effectiveness and impact.