Face of malawi news

Here are some recent news articles from Face of Malawi:

Latest News

  1. Malawi's Economy to Grow by 4.5% in 2023: The Malawian government has projected that the country's economy will grow by 4.5% in 2023, driven by agriculture, manufacturing, and services sectors. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  2. Malawi to Host African Union Summit in 2024: Malawi has been selected to host the African Union (AU) Summit in 2024, with President Lazarus Chakwera set to chair the event. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  3. Malawi's COVID-19 Cases Surge as Omicron Variant Spreads: Malawi has reported a surge in COVID-19 cases, with the Omicron variant spreading rapidly across the country. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  4. Malawi's Electricity Supply to Improve with New Power Plant: A new power plant is set to be commissioned in Malawi, which will increase the country's electricity supply and reduce power outages. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  5. Malawi's Agriculture Sector to Benefit from New Irrigation Scheme: A new irrigation scheme is set to be launched in Malawi, which will benefit small-scale farmers and increase food production in the country. (Source: Face of Malawi)

Sports News

  1. Malawi's Flames to Face Tanzania in CECAFA Cup Semifinals: Malawi's national women's football team, the Flames, have qualified for the semifinals of the CECAFA Cup, where they will face Tanzania. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  2. Malawi's Nyasa Big Bullets Win TNM Super League Title: Nyasa Big Bullets have won the TNM Super League title, their 18th league championship in the country's top division. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  3. Malawi's Rugby Team to Compete in Africa Cup: Malawi's national rugby team is set to compete in the Africa Cup, which will be held in South Africa. (Source: Face of Malawi)

Entertainment News

  1. Malawi's Musician, Tay Grin, Releases New Album: Malawian musician, Tay Grin, has released a new album, which features collaborations with other local artists. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  2. Malawi's Actress, Eunice Nwulamata, Wins Award: Malawian actress, Eunice Nwulamata, has won an award for her outstanding performance in a local film. (Source: Face of Malawi)
  3. Malawi's Fashion Designer, Kudzai Mawere, Wins International Award: Malawian fashion designer, Kudzai Mawere, has won an international award for her designs, which have been showcased at fashion shows in Europe. (Source: Face of Malawi)

These are just a few examples of the latest news articles from Face of Malawi. The website provides news and information on various topics, including politics, sports, entertainment, and more.