Faac allocation news today

FAAC (Federal Allocation Committee) is a committee responsible for allocating revenue to the three tiers of government in Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates on FAAC allocation:

Latest FAAC Allocation (March 2023)

The Federal Government has allocated N2.45 trillion to the three tiers of government for the month of March 2023. This is according to the latest FAAC meeting held on March 24, 2023.

Breakdown of Allocation

Reasons for Allocation

The allocation was made possible due to the increase in crude oil production and sales, as well as the rise in non-oil revenue. The committee attributed the increase to the efforts of the Federal Government to diversify the economy and improve revenue generation.

Previous Allocations

In February 2023, the FAAC allocation was N2.34 trillion, with the Federal Government receiving N1.17 trillion, states receiving N813.8 billion, and local governments receiving N362.5 billion.

Impact on Economy

The FAAC allocation has a significant impact on the Nigerian economy, as it affects the spending power of the three tiers of government. The allocation can influence government spending on infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other essential services.


Despite the increase in allocation, the FAAC committee has expressed concerns over the challenges faced by the government in meeting its revenue targets. The committee has called for increased efforts to diversify the economy and improve revenue generation to meet the growing demands of the government.

I hope this information is helpful!