Eyelid surgery new york

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin, fat, and muscle. Here's a comprehensive guide to eyelid surgery in New York:

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure that aims to:

  1. Remove excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids
  2. Tighten the muscles and tissues around the eyes
  3. Improve the appearance of the eyelids, reducing signs of aging, such as drooping or sagging

Types of Eyelid Surgery

There are two main types of eyelid surgery:

  1. Upper Blepharoplasty: Focuses on the upper eyelid, removing excess skin, fat, and muscle to improve the appearance of the eye and reduce the appearance of "hooded" eyes.
  2. Lower Blepharoplasty: Focuses on the lower eyelid, removing excess skin, fat, and muscle to improve the appearance of the eye and reduce the appearance of "bags" or "puffiness."

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

The benefits of eyelid surgery include:

  1. Improved appearance of the eyes
  2. Reduced signs of aging
  3. Improved vision (in some cases)
  4. Increased confidence

Candidates for Eyelid Surgery

Ideal candidates for eyelid surgery are:

  1. Individuals with excess skin, fat, or muscle in the eyelids
  2. Those with drooping or sagging eyelids
  3. Those with puffy or baggy eyelids
  4. Those who want to improve the appearance of their eyes

Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and complications associated with eyelid surgery, including:

  1. Bleeding and hematoma
  2. Infection
  3. Scarring
  4. Dry eye
  5. Eyelid asymmetry
  6. Vision changes

Cost of Eyelid Surgery in New York

The cost of eyelid surgery in New York can vary depending on several factors, including:

  1. Surgeon's fees
  2. Facility fees
  3. Anesthesia fees
  4. Location (e.g., Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens)

On average, the cost of eyelid surgery in New York can range from $2,000 to $5,000 per eye.

Top Eyelid Surgeons in New York

Some of the top eyelid surgeons in New York include:

  1. Dr. Steven F. Cohen, MD (Manhattan)
  2. Dr. Robert A. Goldberg, MD (Manhattan)
  3. Dr. David A. Reisfeld, MD (Brooklyn)
  4. Dr. Mark A. Codner, MD (Manhattan)
  5. Dr. Jeffrey S. Tepper, MD (Queens)


Eyelid surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance of the eyes and reduce signs of aging. If you're considering eyelid surgery in New York, it's essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and determine if you're a suitable candidate for the procedure.