Extended chinese new year holiday

The joy of a longer Chinese New Year (CNY) holiday!

In many countries with significant Chinese populations, the Chinese New Year holiday is typically a week-long celebration. However, some countries and regions have extended the holiday period to 10-15 days or even longer. This is often done to allow people to spend more time with their families and friends, and to give them a longer break from work and school.

Here are some examples of countries and regions that have extended Chinese New Year holidays:

  1. China: The Chinese government has declared a 7-day national holiday for CNY, but some provinces and cities have extended the holiday to 10-15 days.
  2. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong government has declared a 13-day public holiday for CNY, from January 21 to February 2.
  3. Macau: Macau has declared a 15-day public holiday for CNY, from January 20 to February 3.
  4. Singapore: Singapore has declared a 7-day public holiday for CNY, but some companies and schools have extended the holiday to 10-14 days.
  5. Malaysia: Some states in Malaysia, such as Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, have declared a 10-14 day public holiday for CNY.
  6. Taiwan: Taiwan has declared a 10-day public holiday for CNY, from January 25 to February 3.
  7. Indonesia: Some provinces in Indonesia, such as Jakarta and West Java, have declared a 10-14 day public holiday for CNY.
  8. Philippines: The Philippines has declared a 10-day non-working holiday for CNY, from January 21 to January 30.

These extended holidays allow people to enjoy a longer break, travel, and spend time with their loved ones during the festive period. However, they may also impact business operations, travel plans, and daily routines.