Express news history

Here's a brief history of Express News:

Early Years (1995-2000)

Express News was founded in 1995 by a group of entrepreneurs who wanted to create a newspaper that would cater to the growing demand for news and information in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. The first edition of the newspaper was published on March 15, 1995, with a circulation of around 10,000 copies.

Growth and Expansion (2000-2010)

In the early 2000s, Express News began to expand its operations, launching new editions in major cities across Pakistan, including Lahore, Islamabad, and Peshawar. The newspaper also started to invest in digital media, launching its website and mobile app.

Controversies and Challenges (2010-2015)

In the mid-2010s, Express News faced several challenges, including a major controversy surrounding the ownership of the newspaper. The controversy led to a decline in circulation and revenue, and the newspaper was forced to lay off several staff members.

Digital Transformation (2015-Present)

In recent years, Express News has focused on transforming its digital presence, investing in new technologies and platforms to reach a wider audience. The newspaper has also launched several new initiatives, including a 24-hour news channel and a range of digital products, such as podcasts and online newsletters.

Key Milestones

Notable Journalists and Editors

Awards and Recognition

Overall, Express News has a rich history that spans over two decades, with a focus on providing high-quality journalism and innovative digital products to its readers.