Expository dictionary of new testament words

What a fantastic resource!

An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words is a comprehensive dictionary that provides detailed explanations and analyses of every word in the New Testament. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect from such a dictionary:

Key Features:

  1. Comprehensive coverage: The dictionary covers every word in the New Testament, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.
  2. Expository explanations: Each entry provides a detailed explanation of the word's meaning, including its etymology, syntax, and usage in different contexts.
  3. Analytical breakdown: The dictionary breaks down complex words into their constituent parts, helping readers understand the relationships between words and their meanings.
  4. Illustrative examples: The dictionary includes numerous examples from the New Testament, demonstrating how each word is used in different passages and contexts.
  5. Cross-references: The dictionary includes cross-references to other related words, helping readers explore the nuances of language and meaning.

Some notable examples of what you might find in an Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:

Some notable authors of Expository Dictionaries of New Testament Words:

Digital versions:

Many Expository Dictionaries of New Testament Words are now available in digital formats, making it easier to access and search the content. Some popular digital versions include:

Overall, an Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the New Testament and its language.