Experts harp on quality standardisation of agric produce to strengthen commodity trade

Experts Emphasize the Importance of Quality Standardization of Agricultural Produce to Strengthen Commodity Trade

In recent years, the agricultural sector has witnessed significant growth, driven by increasing global demand for food and other agricultural products. However, the quality of agricultural produce has become a major concern, with many experts emphasizing the need for quality standardization to strengthen commodity trade.

Why Quality Standardization is Crucial

Quality standardization is essential for several reasons:

  1. Consistency: Standardized quality ensures that agricultural products meet specific standards, which is critical for maintaining consistency in taste, texture, and appearance.
  2. Food Safety: Quality standardization helps to ensure that agricultural products are safe for consumption, reducing the risk of contamination and foodborne illnesses.
  3. Market Access: Quality standardization is a prerequisite for accessing international markets, as many countries have strict regulations and standards for imported agricultural products.
  4. Price Stability: Standardized quality products can command better prices, as they are perceived as being of higher value and quality.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Quality standardization can be a key differentiator for farmers and agricultural businesses, enabling them to compete effectively in the market.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the importance of quality standardization, there are several challenges that need to be addressed:

  1. Infrastructure: Many agricultural production areas lack adequate infrastructure, making it difficult to implement quality standardization measures.
  2. Capacity Building: Farmers and agricultural businesses may require training and capacity building to implement quality standardization measures.
  3. Cost: Quality standardization can be costly, particularly for small-scale farmers and agricultural businesses.

However, there are also opportunities for growth and development:

  1. Increased Exports: Quality standardization can increase exports of agricultural products, generating revenue and creating jobs.
  2. Improved Market Access: Quality standardization can improve market access, enabling agricultural businesses to access new markets and customers.
  3. Increased Competitiveness: Quality standardization can increase competitiveness, enabling agricultural businesses to compete effectively in the market.

Best Practices for Quality Standardization

To achieve quality standardization, experts recommend the following best practices:

  1. Develop Clear Standards: Develop clear and concise standards for agricultural products, including specifications for quality, safety, and appearance.
  2. Implement Quality Control Measures: Implement quality control measures, such as testing and inspection, to ensure that agricultural products meet the required standards.
  3. Train Farmers and Agricultural Businesses: Provide training and capacity building for farmers and agricultural businesses to implement quality standardization measures.
  4. Invest in Infrastructure: Invest in infrastructure, such as storage facilities and transportation systems, to support quality standardization.
  5. Monitor and Evaluate: Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of quality standardization measures, making adjustments as needed.


In conclusion, quality standardization is essential for strengthening commodity trade in the agricultural sector. While there are challenges to be addressed, there are also opportunities for growth and development. By implementing best practices for quality standardization, farmers and agricultural businesses can improve the quality of their products, increase competitiveness, and access new markets and customers.