Executive assistant questions to ask new boss

Congratulations on your new role as an Executive Assistant! Here are some questions you may want to ask your new boss to get a better understanding of their expectations and work style:

General Expectations

  1. What are your top priorities for my role, and how can I best support you?
  2. What are the most important tasks you need me to focus on in the first few weeks/months?
  3. How do you like to communicate, and what is the best way to reach you?
  4. What are the company's goals and objectives, and how does my role contribute to achieving them?

Administrative Support

  1. What are your administrative needs, and how can I best support you in managing your schedule, emails, and tasks?
  2. Do you have a preferred method for organizing and prioritizing tasks, and how can I best assist you?
  3. Are there any specific software or tools you prefer using for organization and communication?
  4. How do you like to receive and review documents, reports, and other materials?

Communication and Collaboration

  1. Who are the key stakeholders I should be in touch with, and how often should I communicate with them?
  2. Are there any specific communication channels or protocols I should follow when interacting with colleagues, clients, or vendors?
  3. How do you prefer to receive and review meeting materials, such as agendas, minutes, and action items?
  4. Are there any specific collaboration tools or platforms you prefer using for team projects or meetings?

Boundaries and Expectations

  1. What are your availability and work hours, and how should I schedule meetings or requests?
  2. Are there any specific tasks or responsibilities you'd like me to handle independently, or should I seek your approval for certain decisions?
  3. How do you like to handle conflicts or issues that arise, and who should I escalate them to?
  4. Are there any specific policies or procedures I should be aware of, such as confidentiality or data protection?

Professional Development

  1. What opportunities are there for professional growth and development within the company, and how can I take advantage of them?
  2. Are there any specific skills or areas of expertise you'd like me to develop or improve?
  3. How do you like to provide feedback and coaching, and what are the best ways for me to receive constructive criticism?
  4. Are there any mentorship or training programs available to support my growth and success in the role?

Remember to tailor your questions to your specific role and the company's needs. It's also a good idea to take notes during your conversation with your new boss to ensure you capture all the important details. Good luck in your new role!