Exclusive was nic white guilty of gamesmanship or cheating

The controversy surrounding Nic White's actions during the 2022 Super Rugby Pacific match between the Brumbies and the Chiefs!

For those who may not be familiar, Nic White is a Australian rugby union player who plays as a scrum-half for the Brumbies and the Australian national team. During the match against the Chiefs, White was involved in a controversy that sparked debate about gamesmanship and cheating.

Here's what happened:

In the 65th minute of the match, White was tackled to the ground by a Chiefs player. As he was getting up, he noticed the ball had come loose and quickly picked it up, running 20 meters before being tackled again. The referee initially awarded the Brumbies a scrum, but after consulting with the TMO (Television Match Official), the decision was overturned, and a Chiefs scrum was awarded instead.

The controversy arose because many believed that White had deliberately slowed down his movement to allow the ball to come loose, effectively "knocking on" the ball, which is a foul play. The Chiefs players and coaches were adamant that White had cheated, while the Brumbies and White himself denied any wrongdoing.

The debate surrounding the incident has been intense, with some arguing that White's actions were a clear example of gamesmanship, while others believe it was simply a fortunate bounce of the ball.

In my opinion, it's difficult to say for certain whether White's actions were intentional or not. While it's possible that he did slow down to allow the ball to come loose, it's also possible that it was simply a fortunate bounce. The fact that the referee initially awarded the Brumbies a scrum and only changed the decision after consulting with the TMO suggests that there may have been some doubt about the incident.

Ultimately, the decision to award the Chiefs a scrum was the correct one, as it was the most likely outcome given the circumstances. However, the incident has sparked an important conversation about the line between gamesmanship and cheating in rugby, and the need for players to adhere to the spirit of the game.

What do you think, folks? Was Nic White guilty of gamesmanship or cheating, or was it just a fortunate bounce of the ball?