Exclusive trump likes two state solution but says he will leave it up to israelis palestinians

I think there may be some misinformation here.

While it's true that President Trump has been a vocal supporter of Israel and has taken steps to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, his administration's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been more nuanced than a simple "two-state solution" endorsement.

In 2017, the Trump administration released a statement saying that the US would not take a position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, effectively abandoning the traditional US support for a two-state solution. Instead, the administration has emphasized the importance of a "peaceful and prosperous" future for both Israelis and Palestinians, without specifying a particular solution.

In 2019, Trump's special envoy for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, stated that the administration was open to a "peaceful and prosperous" future for both Israelis and Palestinians, but did not explicitly endorse a two-state solution. Greenblatt also emphasized the need for the parties to negotiate directly and reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

It's worth noting that the Trump administration has taken several steps that have been seen as detrimental to the prospects of a two-state solution, including:

  1. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the US embassy there, which has been seen as a blow to Palestinian claims to the city.
  2. Cutting funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which provides aid to Palestinian refugees.
  3. Supporting Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which has been seen as a violation of international law.

Overall, while the Trump administration has not explicitly rejected the two-state solution, its actions and statements have been seen as more supportive of Israeli positions and less supportive of Palestinian claims.