Exchange rate of naira to new zealand dollar

The exchange rate of Naira (NGN) to New Zealand Dollar (NZD) can fluctuate constantly, so I'll provide you with the current rate and a historical context. Please note that exchange rates can change rapidly, so it's always best to check with a reliable source for the most up-to-date rates.

Current Exchange Rate (as of [date]):

1 NGN = approximately 0.012 NZD

Historical Exchange Rate (average rates over the past year):

Exchange Rate Fluctuations:

The exchange rate between Naira and New Zealand Dollar has been relatively stable over the past year, with some fluctuations. Here's a rough outline of the exchange rate movements:

Factors Affecting Exchange Rates:

The exchange rate between Naira and New Zealand Dollar is influenced by various factors, including:

  1. Economic indicators: GDP growth, inflation rates, and interest rates in both countries.
  2. Global events: Political instability, natural disasters, and global economic trends.
  3. Central bank policies: Monetary policies, such as interest rates and reserve requirements, can impact exchange rates.
  4. Supply and demand: Imbalances in the foreign exchange market can cause exchange rates to fluctuate.

Where to Check Exchange Rates:

For the most up-to-date exchange rates, I recommend checking with reliable sources such as:

  5. Central banks' websites (e.g., Central Bank of Nigeria, Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

Remember to always check the exchange rate before making any transactions, as it can change rapidly.