Excessive use make up causes high blood pressure low fertility expert warns #comments

Here are some potential comments for the article:

Concerned Citizen: "I had no idea that excessive makeup use could lead to high blood pressure and low fertility! I'll definitely be rethinking my daily routine and opting for more natural products from now on."

Beauty Enthusiast: "I love makeup, but I also love my health. I'll make sure to use my products in moderation and choose ones that are gentle on my skin. Thanks for the warning!"

Health-Conscious: "This is so important! I've been noticing that my blood pressure has been creeping up lately, and I've been wondering why. I'll definitely be talking to my doctor about this and making some changes to my lifestyle."

Natural Beauty: "I've always believed that less is more when it comes to makeup. I use natural products and only apply a light layer. It's great to see experts confirming what I've always known - that excessive makeup use can have negative effects on our health."

Makeup Artist: "As a makeup artist, I've seen firsthand the impact that excessive makeup use can have on people's skin and overall health. I'll make sure to educate my clients on the importance of moderation and using high-quality products."

Skeptical: "I'm not sure I buy into this. I've been using makeup for years and I've never experienced any issues with my blood pressure or fertility. Can you provide more evidence to support these claims?"

Concerned Parent: "This is really concerning for me as a parent. I want to make sure that my daughters are using makeup safely and responsibly. I'll be having a talk with them about this and encouraging them to use natural products and practice good hygiene."

Expert Response: "Thank you for your comments! As an expert in the field, I can assure you that the link between excessive makeup use and high blood pressure/low fertility is well-established. While individual results may vary, it's always better to err on the side of caution and prioritize your health. I encourage everyone to take a closer look at their makeup routine and make changes as needed."