Excessive use make up causes high blood pressure low fertility expert warns #

A concerning topic!

Yes, excessive use of makeup has been linked to several health issues, including high blood pressure and low fertility. Here's a breakdown of the potential risks:

High Blood Pressure:

  1. Tightening of skin: Heavy makeup can cause skin to become tight and constricted, which can lead to increased blood pressure.
  2. Inflammation: Some makeup ingredients, such as fragrances and preservatives, can cause inflammation in the skin, which can contribute to high blood pressure.
  3. Stress: The pressure to look perfect can cause stress, which is a known risk factor for high blood pressure.

Low Fertility:

  1. Hormonal Imbalance: Some makeup ingredients, such as parabens and phthalates, have been linked to hormonal imbalances, which can affect fertility.
  2. Endocrine Disruptors: Certain chemicals in makeup, like triclosan and oxybenzone, can mimic or interfere with hormones in the body, potentially affecting fertility.
  3. Skin Barrier Disruption: Heavy makeup can disrupt the skin's natural barrier function, leading to inflammation and potentially affecting fertility.

Expert Warning:

Dr. Shereene Idriss, a dermatologist and director of the Dermatology and Laser Surgery Center at Mount Sinai West, warns that excessive makeup use can lead to:

"...a buildup of toxins in the skin, which can lead to inflammation, scarring, and even hormonal imbalances. This can have long-term effects on overall health, including fertility and blood pressure."

Tips for Safe Makeup Use:

  1. Choose gentle, natural ingredients: Opt for makeup products with natural ingredients and minimal chemicals.
  2. Use sunscreen: Protect your skin from UV damage with a broad-spectrum sunscreen.
  3. Apply makeup lightly: Avoid caking on makeup, and use light, gentle strokes to apply products.
  4. Remove makeup properly: Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer to remove makeup, and avoid scrubbing or rubbing the skin.
  5. Take breaks: Give your skin a break from makeup occasionally to allow it to breathe and recover.

Remember, while makeup can be a fun and creative way to express yourself, it's essential to prioritize your health and well-being by using products responsibly and taking care of your skin.