Excel new features 2019

Microsoft Excel 2019 introduced several new features that enhance its functionality and user experience. Here are some of the key new features:

  1. New Chart Types: Excel 2019 introduces several new chart types, including:
    • Waterfall charts: Show how an initial value is affected by a series of positive or negative values.
    • Treemap charts: Visualize hierarchical data using a treemap layout.
    • Pareto charts: Show the relative frequency of values in a dataset.
  2. Improved Data Analysis: Excel 2019 includes several new data analysis features, including:
    • New functions: Excel 2019 introduces several new functions, such as:
      • FILTER: Filter data based on conditions.
      • SORT: Sort data in a specific order.
      • UNIQUE: Return a unique list of values.
    • Data Analysis Add-in: The Data Analysis add-in provides advanced data analysis capabilities, including regression analysis, forecasting, and more.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Excel 2019 includes several features to improve collaboration, including:
    • Real-time Co-Authoring: Multiple users can edit a workbook simultaneously, with changes reflected in real-time.
    • Commenting: Users can add comments to cells, making it easier to collaborate and discuss data.
    • @mentions: Users can mention other users in comments, making it easier to involve others in discussions.
  4. Improved Performance: Excel 2019 includes several performance enhancements, including:
    • Faster Calculation: Excel 2019 calculates formulas faster, especially for large datasets.
    • Improved PivotTable Performance: PivotTables now perform faster and more efficiently.
  5. New Keyboard Shortcuts: Excel 2019 introduces several new keyboard shortcuts, including:
    • Ctrl + Shift + F: Opens the Formula Bar.
    • Ctrl + Shift + Space: Selects the entire row.
    • Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Page Down: Scrolls through worksheets.
  6. Improved Accessibility: Excel 2019 includes several accessibility features, including:
    • High Contrast Mode: Users can switch to a high contrast mode to improve readability.
    • Screen Reader: Excel 2019 includes a built-in screen reader that reads aloud the contents of cells.
  7. New Themes: Excel 2019 includes several new themes, including:
    • Dark Gray: A dark gray theme that provides a modern and sleek look.
    • Light Gray: A light gray theme that provides a clean and minimalist look.
  8. Improved Error Handling: Excel 2019 includes several improvements to error handling, including:
    • Error Alerts: Excel 2019 provides more detailed error alerts, making it easier to diagnose and fix errors.
    • Error Handling Options: Users can customize error handling options, such as whether to display error messages or continue with the calculation.

These are just a few of the new features introduced in Excel 2019. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out Microsoft's official documentation or taking an online course to get hands-on experience with the new features.