Exaro news uk

Exaro News is a UK-based investigative journalism organization that was founded in 2012. The organization is known for its in-depth investigations into corruption, abuse of power, and other forms of wrongdoing.

Exaro News has been involved in several high-profile investigations over the years, including:

  1. The Jimmy Savile abuse scandal: Exaro News was one of the first organizations to investigate allegations of sexual abuse by the late BBC presenter Jimmy Savile. The organization's reporting helped to uncover the scale of the abuse and led to a major investigation by the Metropolitan Police.
  2. The Rotherham child abuse scandal: Exaro News investigated allegations of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, and uncovered evidence of widespread abuse and cover-up by local authorities.
  3. The Westminster child abuse scandal: Exaro News investigated allegations of child sexual abuse in Westminster, London, and uncovered evidence of abuse by politicians and other high-profile individuals.
  4. The Hillsborough disaster cover-up: Exaro News investigated allegations of a cover-up by South Yorkshire Police and other authorities following the Hillsborough disaster in 1989, in which 96 people died.
  5. The Grenfell Tower fire: Exaro News investigated allegations of corporate negligence and government failures in the lead-up to the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, which killed 72 people.

Exaro News has also been involved in several other high-profile investigations, including into the activities of the British intelligence agencies, the UK's tax authorities, and the country's financial sector.

The organization has won several awards for its journalism, including the Paul Foot Award for Investigative Journalism and the British Journalism Awards' Scoop of the Year award.

Exaro News is known for its use of Freedom of Information requests, whistleblowers, and other investigative techniques to uncover evidence of wrongdoing. The organization's reporting is often critical of those in power and has led to several high-profile resignations and criminal investigations.

However, Exaro News has also faced criticism from some quarters, including allegations of sensationalism and a lack of balance in its reporting. The organization has also been the subject of several legal challenges, including attempts to silence its reporting through libel lawsuits and gagging orders.