Exaro news nick

Exaro News is a UK-based investigative journalism organization that was founded in 2012. Nick is likely referring to Nick Barron, one of the co-founders of Exaro News.

Nick Barron is a British journalist and editor who has worked on a number of high-profile investigations, including the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal and the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal. He is known for his expertise in investigative journalism and his ability to uncover hidden information.

Under Barron's leadership, Exaro News has won several awards for its investigative reporting, including the British Journalism Awards and the Press Gazette's Investigative Journalist of the Year award.

Some of Exaro News' most notable investigations include:

Overall, Nick Barron and Exaro News have made significant contributions to investigative journalism in the UK, and their reporting has helped to uncover important stories that might have otherwise gone unreported.