Exaro news latest

Exaro News is a UK-based investigative journalism organization that was founded in 2012. They are known for their in-depth investigations and exposés on a wide range of topics, including politics, finance, and social issues.

Here are some of the latest news stories from Exaro News:

  1. Boris Johnson's 'partygate' scandal: Exaro News has been at the forefront of investigating the allegations of parties held at 10 Downing Street during the COVID-19 lockdowns, which have led to widespread criticism of the UK Prime Minister.
  2. Tax avoidance by wealthy individuals: Exaro News has uncovered evidence of wealthy individuals and companies using complex financial structures to avoid paying taxes, including a recent investigation into the tax affairs of a prominent UK businessman.
  3. Corruption in the UK's Crown Prosecution Service: Exaro News has been investigating allegations of corruption and misconduct within the UK's Crown Prosecution Service, including claims of favoritism and political interference.
  4. The impact of Brexit on the UK's economy: Exaro News has been examining the effects of Brexit on the UK's economy, including the impact on trade, investment, and employment.
  5. The rise of far-right extremism in the UK: Exaro News has been investigating the growth of far-right extremism in the UK, including the activities of groups such as the English Defence League and the British National Party.
  6. The UK's response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Exaro News has been scrutinizing the UK government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the handling of the vaccine rollout, testing, and contact tracing.
  7. The UK's tax haven network: Exaro News has been investigating the UK's network of tax havens, including the use of offshore financial centers and the impact on the global economy.
  8. The UK's surveillance state: Exaro News has been examining the UK's surveillance state, including the use of mass surveillance technologies and the impact on civil liberties.

These are just a few examples of the latest news stories from Exaro News. The organization is known for its in-depth investigations and exposés, and its reporting has led to significant changes in policy and practice in the UK and beyond.