Examples of tightly phrased news story

Here are some examples of tightly phrased news stories:

  1. AP Style:

"Police: 3 Killed in Shooting at California Mall"

This headline is concise and to the point, conveying the essential information in just a few words.

  1. The New York Times:

"U.S. and China Reach Trade Deal, Ending Tariff War"

This headline is brief and informative, summarizing the key development in a single sentence.

  1. BBC News:

"UK Parliament Votes to Delay Brexit Again"

This headline is straightforward and to the point, conveying the outcome of the vote in a single sentence.

  1. The Washington Post:

"Trump Administration to End Program Protecting Young Immigrants"

This headline is concise and informative, summarizing the key development in a single sentence.

  1. Reuters:

"North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile into Sea, South Korea Says"

This headline is brief and to the point, conveying the essential information in a single sentence.

  1. The Guardian:

"UK Government Loses Key Brexit Vote, Leaving Future Uncertain"

This headline is concise and informative, summarizing the outcome of the vote in a single sentence.

  1. NPR:

"Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration's Asylum Policy"

This headline is brief and to the point, conveying the essential information in a single sentence.

  1. The Wall Street Journal:

"U.S. Economy Grows at 2.1% Rate in Third Quarter"

This headline is concise and informative, summarizing the key economic data in a single sentence.

  1. CNN:

"Trump Administration to End Funding for UNRWA, Palestinian Refugee Agency"

This headline is brief and to the point, conveying the essential information in a single sentence.

  1. The Los Angeles Times:

"California Wildfires Force Thousands to Flee, Destroy Homes"

This headline is concise and informative, summarizing the key information in a single sentence.

These examples demonstrate how tightly phrased news stories can effectively convey complex information in a concise and clear manner.