Examples of short drama story script in news stye

Here are a few examples of short drama story scripts in a news style:

Example 1:

BREAKING: Local Man's Life Turned Upside Down

(Urgent music plays in the background)

Announcer: We have just received word of a shocking turn of events in our community. John Smith, a 35-year-old husband and father of two, has just been involved in a dramatic car accident.

(Cut to a news anchor sitting at a desk)

Anchor: According to eyewitnesses, Smith's car collided with a truck at the intersection of Main and Elm streets. Witnesses describe the scene as chaotic, with Smith's car badly damaged and several people injured.

(Cut to a live shot of the accident scene)

Anchor: We go live now to our correspondent, Jane Doe, who is at the scene. Jane, can you tell us more about what happened?

Correspondent: Thank you, Bob. Yes, I'm here at the scene of the accident. Witnesses say that Smith's car ran a red light and collided with the truck. Smith was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

(Cut back to the anchor)

Anchor: We will continue to bring you updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

Example 2:


(Ominous music plays in the background)

Announcer: In a stunning turn of events, new evidence has come to light in the murder case of local businessman, James Johnson.

(Cut to a news anchor sitting at a desk)

Anchor: According to sources close to the investigation, DNA evidence has linked a former business partner of Johnson's to the crime.

(Cut to a live shot of the police chief)

Police Chief: We are thrilled to announce that we have made a major breakthrough in the case. We believe that we have identified the killer and are working to bring them to justice.

(Cut back to the anchor)

Anchor: We will continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available.

Example 3:


(Uplifting music plays in the background)

Announcer: In a heartwarming story, a local teenager has been hailed as a hero after saving the lives of several people in a dramatic rescue.

(Cut to a news anchor sitting at a desk)

Anchor: According to eyewitnesses, 17-year-old Emily Johnson jumped into action when a fire broke out in a nearby apartment building.

(Cut to a live shot of Emily Johnson)

Emily: I just saw the smoke and flames and knew I had to do something. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran into the building to help people get out.

(Cut back to the anchor)

Anchor: Emily's quick thinking and bravery are being credited with saving the lives of several people. We will continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available.

These are just a few examples of short drama story scripts in a news style. The key is to create a sense of urgency and importance, while also conveying the drama and emotion of the story.