Example of news article in school

Here's an example of a news article that a student might write for a school newspaper:

Headline: New Recycling Program Implemented at School

Subheadline: Efforts to Reduce Waste and Promote Sustainability

[Image: A photo of a recycling bin or a student holding a recyclable material]

As part of its ongoing efforts to reduce waste and promote sustainability, [School Name] has implemented a new recycling program. The program, which began last week, aims to encourage students, teachers, and staff to recycle more and reduce the amount of trash sent to landfills.

According to [Name of School Administrator], the program is a response to growing concerns about the environmental impact of waste disposal. "We want to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and promote a culture of sustainability at our school," said [Name of School Administrator].

Under the new program, students and staff are encouraged to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal materials. Recycling bins have been placed in classrooms, hallways, and common areas throughout the school, making it easy for everyone to participate.

"We're excited to see the impact this program will have on our school and our community," said [Name of Student Council President]. "Every small action we take can make a big difference in protecting our planet."

To promote the program, the school is also hosting a series of educational events and activities, including a recycling fair and a "Trash to Treasure" contest. Students are encouraged to get creative and come up with innovative ways to reuse and recycle materials.

The new recycling program is just one of many initiatives the school has implemented to promote sustainability. Other efforts include reducing energy consumption, using eco-friendly cleaning products, and promoting carpooling and public transportation.

For more information about the recycling program or to get involved, contact [Name of School Administrator] or visit the school's website.

Byline: [Student's Name], Staff Writer

This article is just an example, but it includes many of the elements that a news article might include, such as: