Example of new media project

Here are a few examples of new media projects:

  1. Interactive Documentary: "The Look of Silence" (2016) is a documentary that uses interactive technology to allow viewers to explore the story of a man who discovers the truth about his brother's death during the Indonesian massacre of 1965.

Project: Create an interactive documentary that uses virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) to tell a story that explores a social or environmental issue.

  1. Social Media Campaign: "The #MeToo Movement" (2017) is a social media campaign that uses hashtags to raise awareness about sexual harassment and assault.

Project: Create a social media campaign that uses hashtags and online engagement to raise awareness about a social or environmental issue.

  1. Virtual Reality Experience: "Carne y Arena" (2017) is a VR experience that simulates the experience of crossing the US-Mexico border.

Project: Create a VR experience that simulates a real-world issue or experience, such as climate change, poverty, or social injustice.

  1. Podcast Series: "S-Town" (2017) is a podcast series that tells the story of a small town in Alabama and its residents.

Project: Create a podcast series that tells a story or explores a social or environmental issue through audio storytelling.

  1. Online Game: "This War of Mine" (2014) is a video game that simulates the experience of surviving a war.

Project: Create an online game that simulates a real-world issue or experience, such as climate change, poverty, or social injustice.

  1. Crowdsourced Journalism: "Bellingcat" (2014) is a crowdsourced journalism project that uses online collaboration to investigate and report on news stories.

Project: Create a crowdsourced journalism project that uses online collaboration to investigate and report on a social or environmental issue.

  1. Virtual Reality Journalism: "The New York Times VR" (2016) is a VR journalism project that uses immersive storytelling to report on news stories.

Project: Create a VR journalism project that uses immersive storytelling to report on a social or environmental issue.

  1. Online Community: "Reddit's r/AskScience" (2008) is an online community that allows users to ask and answer science-related questions.

Project: Create an online community that allows users to share knowledge and resources on a specific topic or issue.

  1. Digital Art Installation: "The Treachery of Sanctuary" (2017) is a digital art installation that uses AI and machine learning to create an immersive experience.

Project: Create a digital art installation that uses AI and machine learning to create an immersive experience that explores a social or environmental issue.

  1. Mobile App: "The Guardian's Witness" (2017) is a mobile app that allows users to share eyewitness accounts of news events.

Project: Create a mobile app that allows users to share eyewitness accounts of news events or to report on social or environmental issues.

These are just a few examples of new media projects. The possibilities are endless, and the key is to use new media technologies to tell stories, raise awareness, and engage audiences in new and innovative ways.