Example of how to write bad news

Here's an example of how to write bad news in a professional and empathetic manner:

Subject: Update on [Project/Job/Opportunity]

Dear [Name],

I wanted to speak with you in person, but I thought it would be best to also put my thoughts in writing so you have a clear understanding of the situation. Unfortunately, [briefly state the bad news, e.g. "we have decided to go in a different direction" or "the project has been put on hold"].

I know how much [effort/time/investment] you put into [project/job/ opportunity], and I want to acknowledge your hard work and dedication. Please know that this decision was not made lightly, and we appreciate the contributions you made during your time with us.

If you have any questions or concerns, I am happy to discuss this further with you. We are committed to supporting you through this transition and are happy to provide any necessary resources or recommendations.

Thank you again for your understanding, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Key elements:

  1. Be clear and direct: State the bad news upfront, but do so in a way that is respectful and empathetic.
  2. Acknowledge the person's effort: Show appreciation for the person's hard work and dedication, even if the news is negative.
  3. Provide context: Give a brief explanation for the decision, but avoid going into too much detail.
  4. Offer support: Let the person know that you are there to support them through this transition and offer any necessary resources or recommendations.
  5. Be professional: Use a professional tone and language throughout the message.

Remember that delivering bad news is never easy, but being honest, empathetic, and professional can help make the process less painful for everyone involved.