Example of a news report script

Here is an example of a news report script:


[Urgent music plays]

Announcer: "Breaking news tonight, a devastating wildfire has swept through a small town in California, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in its wake. Our correspondent, John Smith, is live on the scene. John, can you tell us more about what's happening?"


[John Smith, correspondent, is standing in front of a burning building]

John Smith: "Thank you, Bob. I'm here in the town of Oakdale, where a fast-moving wildfire has destroyed dozens of homes and businesses. The fire started just hours ago, and it's been spreading rapidly due to strong winds and dry conditions.

[Cut to footage of the fire]

John Smith: "As you can see, the fire is still raging out of control. Firefighters are working tirelessly to contain it, but it's a tough battle. The town's residents are being evacuated, and many are left without homes or belongings.

[Cut back to John Smith]

John Smith: "I've spoken to some of the residents who have been affected by the fire. They're shaken and scared, but grateful that no one has been seriously injured so far.

[Cut to an interview with a resident]

Resident: "I was asleep when I heard the sirens. I grabbed my kids and we got out of the house as fast as we could. We're just grateful to be safe."

John Smith: "The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but officials say it's likely to have been sparked by a lightning strike.

[Cut back to John Smith]

John Smith: "The town is in chaos, but the community is coming together to support each other. Neighbors are helping neighbors, and local businesses are offering aid and shelter to those in need.

[Cut to footage of people helping each other]

John Smith: "As the situation continues to unfold, we'll bring you updates as more information becomes available. Back to you, Bob."


Announcer: "Thank you, John. We'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available. In the meantime, our thoughts are with the people of Oakdale and all those affected by this devastating wildfire."

[Closing music plays]

This script is just an example, but it includes the typical elements of a news report: