Exam questions for writing a news story

Here are some potential exam questions for writing a news story:

Question 1:

A local business has announced plans to lay off 20% of its workforce due to financial difficulties. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 2:

A new community center has opened in the city, offering a range of recreational activities and services. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 3:

A local politician has been accused of misconduct and is facing an investigation. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 4:

A severe weather event has affected the city, causing damage and disruption. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 5:

A local school has introduced a new program aimed at improving student outcomes. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 6:

A local business has been recognized for its innovative approach to sustainability. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 7:

A local event has taken place, such as a festival or parade. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

Question 8:

A local issue has been debated in the community, such as a proposed development or zoning change. Write a news story that includes the following elements:

These questions are designed to test your ability to write a clear, concise, and engaging news story that includes relevant information, quotes, and context.