Ex south american football boss involved in fifa scandal dies

You're likely referring to the recent passing of Nicolás Leoz, a former President of CONMEBOL, the South American Football Confederation. Leoz was involved in the FIFA corruption scandal and was banned from football-related activities for life by FIFA in 2015.

Leoz, who was 90 years old, served as the President of CONMEBOL from 1986 to 2013 and was a key figure in South American football for many years. However, he was also implicated in the FIFA corruption scandal, which was uncovered in 2015 and led to the arrest and indictment of several high-ranking FIFA officials.

Leoz was accused of accepting bribes and kickbacks in exchange for voting in favor of certain bids for international football tournaments. He denied any wrongdoing, but was ultimately banned from football-related activities for life by FIFA in 2015.

Leoz's passing has been met with mixed reactions in the football world. While some have paid tribute to his long service to the sport, others have criticized his involvement in the FIFA corruption scandal and his role in perpetuating corruption in South American football.

It's worth noting that Leoz's legacy is complex and multifaceted. While he was a key figure in the development of football in South America, his involvement in the FIFA corruption scandal has tarnished his reputation and raised questions about his integrity and leadership.