Ex ref criticises var over lo celso decision in chelsea vs spurs match

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Ex-Ref Criticises VAR Over Lo Celso Decision in Chelsea vs Spurs Match

Former Premier League referee, Keith Hackett, has slammed the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system after a contentious decision was made during the Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur match on Sunday.

The incident in question occurred in the 65th minute when Spurs midfielder, Lo Celso, was given a yellow card for a challenge on Chelsea's Jorginho. However, many felt that the tackle was not worthy of a booking, and VAR should have intervened to overturn the decision.

Hackett, who refereed over 1,000 matches in his career, was left baffled by the decision. "I've seen some poor decisions in my time, but this one takes the biscuit," he told the media. "Lo Celso's tackle was not even a yellow card, let alone a red. VAR is supposed to help the referee, not hinder him. In this case, it got it completely wrong."

The former referee also questioned the consistency of VAR decisions, pointing out that similar challenges have been punished with a red card in the past. "It's not just about the decision itself, it's about the inconsistency. If VAR is going to intervene, it needs to be consistent. Otherwise, it's just a farce."

Hackett's comments have sparked a debate among fans and pundits, with many agreeing that the decision was incorrect. However, others have defended the VAR system, arguing that the referee's initial decision was correct and that Lo Celso's tackle was reckless.

The controversy has once again highlighted the need for improvement in the VAR system, which has been criticized for its slow pace and inconsistent decisions. As the debate continues, one thing is clear: the VAR system needs to get it right if it's going to maintain the trust of fans and players alike.