Ex president goodluck jonathan news

Here are some recent news updates about Goodluck Jonathan, the former President of Nigeria:

Recent News

  1. Goodluck Jonathan's Book Launch: In October 2022, Goodluck Jonathan launched his book, "My Transition Hours", which chronicles his experiences as President of Nigeria from 2010 to 2015. The book launch was attended by several dignitaries, including former Heads of State and prominent Nigerians.
  2. Election Observation: In November 2022, Goodluck Jonathan was appointed as the Chairman of the Commonwealth Observer Group for the 2022 Ghanaian general elections. The group was tasked with observing the elections and ensuring their credibility.
  3. Niger Delta Development: In December 2022, Goodluck Jonathan called for increased investment in the Niger Delta region, citing the need to develop the area's infrastructure and improve the lives of its people. He made the call during a visit to the region.
  4. Corruption Fight: In January 2023, Goodluck Jonathan urged Nigerians to support the fight against corruption, saying that it was essential for the country's development. He made the call during a speech at a conference in Abuja.

Past News

  1. Post-Presidency Life: After leaving office in 2015, Goodluck Jonathan has been involved in various activities, including philanthropy and politics. He has also written several books, including "Against the Run of Play", which chronicles his experiences as President.
  2. Election Loss: In 2015, Goodluck Jonathan lost the presidential election to Muhammadu Buhari, who won with a landslide victory. Jonathan conceded defeat and handed over power to Buhari, marking the first peaceful transfer of power in Nigeria's history.
  3. Humanitarian Work: Goodluck Jonathan has been involved in various humanitarian efforts, including the establishment of the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, which focuses on education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation.

These are just a few examples of the news updates about Goodluck Jonathan. If you're looking for more information, please let me know!