Ex kwara police pros son others arrested for alleged murder cultism

It appears that you're referring to a recent news article about the arrest of some individuals, including the son of a former Kwara State Police PRO, for alleged involvement in murder and cultism.

Here's a summary of the article:

The Kwara State Police Command has arrested several individuals, including the son of a former Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), for alleged involvement in murder and cultism. The suspects were arrested following a tip-off from a reliable source, which led the police to a hideout in the state.

Among those arrested was the son of the former PRO, who was identified as a key member of a notorious cult group. The police also recovered weapons, including guns and knives, from the suspects.

The police spokesperson, SP Okasanmi Ajayi, confirmed the arrest and said that the suspects would be charged to court soon. He also appealed to the public to provide information that would help the police in their investigation.

It's worth noting that the police have been working to combat cultism and other forms of criminality in the state, and this arrest is seen as a major breakthrough in their efforts.

Here's the full article:

"Kwara Police Arrests Ex-PRO's Son, Others for Murder, Cultism

The Kwara State Police Command has arrested several individuals, including the son of a former Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), for alleged involvement in murder and cultism.

The suspects were arrested following a tip-off from a reliable source, which led the police to a hideout in the state.

Among those arrested was the son of the former PRO, who was identified as a key member of a notorious cult group. The police also recovered weapons, including guns and knives, from the suspects.

The police spokesperson, SP Okasanmi Ajayi, confirmed the arrest and said that the suspects would be charged to court soon.

"We have arrested several individuals, including the son of a former PRO, for alleged involvement in murder and cultism. We recovered weapons from them and they will be charged to court soon," Ajayi said.

The police also appealed to the public to provide information that would help them in their investigation.

"We are appealing to the public to provide information that would help us in our investigation. We are committed to combating cultism and other forms of criminality in the state," Ajayi said.

The arrest is seen as a major breakthrough in the police's efforts to combat cultism and other forms of criminality in the state."