Ewuare ii crowned 40th oba benin

A great piece of history!

Yes, you are correct. Oba Ewuare II was crowned the 40th Oba (King) of Benin on August 20, 2016. He was previously the Oba of Benin from 1979 to 1983, and was reinstated as the Oba in 2016 after a 33-year absence.

Oba Ewuare II is a significant figure in Benin history, known for his efforts to revitalize the Benin culture and traditions. During his first reign, he worked to promote education, healthcare, and economic development in the kingdom. He also played a key role in the restoration of the Benin monarchy, which had been abolished by the British colonial authorities in 1914.

After his reinstatement as Oba in 2016, Oba Ewuare II has continued to work towards the development of Benin and the promotion of its rich cultural heritage. He has also been a strong advocate for the preservation of the Benin cultural artifacts and historical sites, which are an important part of the kingdom's history and identity.

It's worth noting that the Oba of Benin is a highly respected and revered figure in Benin society, and is considered the spiritual leader of the kingdom. The Oba is believed to have a special connection to the gods and is responsible for maintaining the balance and harmony of the kingdom.