Ewtn news

EWTN News is a leading source of Catholic news and information. Here are some of the latest news stories and updates from EWTN:

Top Stories

  1. Pope Francis Appoints New Archbishop of Philadelphia: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Nelson J. Perez as the new Archbishop of Philadelphia, succeeding Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.
  2. Vatican Announces New Document on Human Fraternity: The Vatican has released a new document on human fraternity, emphasizing the importance of interfaith dialogue and cooperation.
  3. US Bishops Approve Statement on Immigration: The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has approved a statement on immigration, calling for comprehensive reform and compassion for migrants and refugees.

International News

  1. Pope Francis Visits Morocco: Pope Francis has concluded a three-day visit to Morocco, where he met with King Mohammed VI and emphasized the importance of interfaith dialogue and cooperation.
  2. Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Issues New Document on Euthanasia: The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued a new document on euthanasia, reaffirming the Church's opposition to assisted suicide.
  3. Pope Francis Meets with Russian Orthodox Patriarch: Pope Francis has met with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Havana, Cuba, in a historic encounter aimed at improving relations between the two churches.

US News

  1. US Bishops Condemn Abortion Bills in Alabama and Georgia: The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has condemned recent abortion bills in Alabama and Georgia, calling them "extreme" and "unjust."
  2. Catholic Charities Responds to Hurricane Dorian: Catholic Charities has launched a relief effort to assist those affected by Hurricane Dorian, which devastated the Bahamas and the southeastern United States.
  3. Pope Francis Names New Bishop for Diocese of Camden: Pope Francis has named Bishop Joseph A. Galante as the new Bishop of Camden, succeeding Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan.

Spiritual News

  1. Pope Francis Declares October as the Month of the Rosary: Pope Francis has declared October as the Month of the Rosary, encouraging Catholics to pray the rosary daily.
  2. Vatican Congregation for the Clergy Issues New Document on Priestly Formation: The Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy has issued a new document on priestly formation, emphasizing the importance of spiritual formation and pastoral ministry.
  3. Pope Francis Appoints New Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints: Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Marcello Bartolucci as the new Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

These are just a few of the latest news stories and updates from EWTN. For more information, please visit the EWTN News website.