Ewtn news lauren ashburn

Lauren Ashburn is a journalist and anchor for EWTN News, a global Catholic news network. She is known for her in-depth reporting on Catholic news, issues, and events, as well as her interviews with prominent Catholic leaders and figures.

Here are some recent news articles and segments featuring Lauren Ashburn:

  1. "Pope Francis Names New Cardinals: A Look at the New Faces of the College of Cardinals" - Lauren Ashburn reports on the recent consistory in which Pope Francis named 13 new cardinals, highlighting their backgrounds and significance.
  2. "Vatican's Top Diplomat: 'We're Not Just Talking About Abortion, We're Talking About Human Life'" - Lauren Ashburn interviews Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican's Secretary for Relations with States, on the importance of protecting human life and dignity.
  3. "Catholic Bishops Condemn 'Euthanasia by Neglect' in New York State" - Lauren Ashburn reports on the New York State Catholic Conference's statement condemning the state's new law allowing "euthanasia by neglect" for patients with terminal illnesses.
  4. "Pope Francis: 'We Must Not Forget the Poor and Vulnerable'" - Lauren Ashburn highlights Pope Francis' message on the importance of caring for the poor and vulnerable, as he celebrated the feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
  5. "Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life: 'We Must Protect Human Life from Conception to Natural Death'" - Lauren Ashburn interviews Dr. Ignacio Carrasco de Paula, the former president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, on the importance of protecting human life and dignity.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and segments featuring Lauren Ashburn on EWTN News. She is a respected and experienced journalist who provides in-depth coverage of Catholic news and issues.